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Don't Let Your Holidays Be Scrooged By Your Hot Water Heater
Many homeowners spend more time indoors during the winter celebrating the holidays with friends and family. More time is also spent on holiday gatherings, watching TV, and other activities that can increase the demand for hot water. If your current water heater is unable to supply a sufficient amount of hot water to satisfy your current demand, then you might end up having to take a cold shower or completely run of hot water.
Most households don't tend to think about needing to get a new hot water heater. However, if you are complacent about having hot showers available, eventually the cold winter weather is going to hit. When you are least expecting it, your hot water heater could die - which will result in having the cold water blues for Christmas.
In order to avoid this problem, inspect your hot water heater to make sure you have a working one before winter hits. The following are signs that might be an indication that it is time for your hot water heater to be replaced and what can be done to ensure that the cold remains outside of your house this winter.
The Water Is Constantly Cold
The Sign: Is your water cold all the time - or lukewarm at best? Having no hot water can ruin your holiday gathering. One of the first signs that you have a faulty hot water heater is lukewarm or cold water.
The Problem: Most likely your hot water tank is faulty if your water is constantly cold. That can happen due to a number of different issues, including a corroded heating element and a malfunctioning thermostat.
The Solution: It is time to buy a new hot water heater if your current one is not working properly.
You can usually tell when your hot water heater is broken and needs to be replaced when the water does not reach 60˚C (140˚F) degrees at least. If your water does not reach 50˚C (122˚F) degrees at least within 30 minutes you should consider replacing it.
You Need To Keep Turning Up Your Hot Water Heater Higher
The Sign: Although you might notice your water getting cooler, the phenomenon might also happen later on in the cycle. It often happens due to frequent use. Everyone in your family is going to want to take a shower after all.
The Problem: When your hot water does not produce enough hot water for the day, you need to either get a tank that is either has a higher capacity or is larger. The problem is made worse due to the fact that during the winter more people tend to be at home, which increases the demand for hot water.
The Solution: If there are more than two family members in your household who shower on a daily basis, then you should probably consider buying a bigger hot water heater.
Keep in mind that the size of the hot water tank affects how frequently it needs to be replaced. If your water heater has a medium or small tank, then it will need to be replaced every 3-10 years, depending on the amount of hot water that your home consumes.
You Have A Very Old Water Heater
The Sign: If you own a hot water tank that is more than 10 years old, you need to start considering purchasing a new one. An older hot water heater is much more likely that it will break down.
The Problem: It is recommended by many manufacturers that hot water tanks should be replaced after using them for 10 years since that is when they start to become inefficient.
However, there are other factors that can contribute to whether or not your hot water heater needs to be repaired or replaced. If your heater is used often or you live in an area with high temperatures, then you might need to replace it more often than 10 years.
The Solution: To know when your hot water tank should be replaced, the best thing to do is have a professional inspect it once it is ten years old. If it doesn't have any problems, you can wait for another five years and then have it inspected again by a professional.
However, if the professional notices that you have a faulty hot water tank, then you should immediately repair or replace your heater. (Hint: VP Plumbing & Heating professionals are all certified hot water tank inspectors, so make sure to call us to have yours inspected.)
You Have A Rusty And Corroded Hot Water Tank
The Sign: If your hot water heater is rusty or corroded, that is another sign that it might be about to break. Usually, this happens when the calcium contained in the water stays in contact with your tank for a long time. That can cause the buildup of rust around your hot water tank, and that can cause significant problems for your heater.
The Problem: Rusty or corroded heating elements are very dangerous since they emit carbon monoxide into the air supply of your home. Carbon monoxide is a fatal gas that cannot be smelled or seen, and is commonly referred to as a "silent killer." Death, respiratory problems, and neurological damage can be caused by carbon monoxide.
The Solution: If you think your hot water tank might be rusted or corroded, immediately call the professionals at VP Plumbing & Heating to have it inspected. They can clean the corrosion out of the drain pipes and heating element, which will help to ensure that your house is safe from carbon monoxide effects.
Your Hot Water Tank Is Leaking Water
The Sign: It might be time for your hot water tank to be replaced if it has started to leak. If ignored, a leaking hot water heater can cause major problems.
The Problem: One of the more common causes of flooding and water damage in homes is a leaking hot water tank. That is due to the fact that they allow the water inside your tank to seep out at an uncontrolled yet steady rate.
The Solution: If you have a leaking hot water tank, you should immediately call a plumbing professional. They can replace or repair your heating unit and make sure it doesn't ever flood your house again.
You Have A Frozen Hot Water Tank
The Sign: If nothing happens when you turn your hot water tank on, the problem might be with the unit. However, if there is no hot water when you turn it on, then it could be a plumbing problem. Either way, the problem needs to be addressed right away.
The Problem: Once the cold weather hits, your hot water might start to freeze if it is insufficiently insulated. A frozen hot water tank can cause leaks and extensive internal damage.
The Solution: Call a licensed plumbing professional for help if you think your hot water tank might be frozen. They can determine whether or not your heater is frozen, which can cause your home problems. If it is frozen, the heat should be turned back on and also make sure that everything is once again running smoothly.
Do Not Allow Your Christmas To Be Scrooged By Hot Water Failure
People are often faced with an emergency during the holiday. So whether it is a blocked drain or burst pipe, during this time there are a lot of complaints of overflowing sinks and clogged toilets. However, during the holidays one of the biggest problems that are faced by plumbers is failed hot water heaters.
You should never take your hot water lightly since it can completely scrooge your Christmas. This is why you should have your heater inspected by a plumber before the cold winter weather hits.
After your hot water heater has started to fail, it is critical to act quickly so you don't lose complete functionality for months at a time. You can choose to hire a professional plumber like VP Plumbing & Heating. They can do an inspection at your house to tell you whether or not your hot water heater can be fixed or if you need a new one.
Christmas can be affected the most in situations where your hot water heater fails. When you don't have any hot water available, you will not be able to do laundry or take showers. That will be very unpleasant for all of your household members, especially during the holiday season.
How To Keep Your Hot Water Tank In The Best Condition
Hot water tanks can last 8 to 12 years. However, this will mainly depend on the quality of the cleaning and maintenance that it gets. A poorly maintained and dirty heat exchanger may reduce the useful life of the unit by up to half. That is why it is critical to ensure that your heater remains in great condition.
When you need to replace your hot water tank, you can rely on VP Plumbing & Heating's trained technicians to provide you with prompt and excellent services. They will ensure that your house stays cozy and warm throughout the winter by getting a new unit installed for you. Call VP Plumbing & Heating now if you need an older unit to be diagnostically inspected or you need a quick replacement.
Do not allow your hot water tank to break down during the upcoming holiday season. Be sure that your heater is working properly and is up-to-date by hiring a professional plumber to inspect it before the cold weather arrives. Give VP Plumbing & Heating a call today for more information.