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Some Of The Best Water Saving Plumbing Products For Your Home
Water is an essential resource that everyone needs. It doesn't matter if it comes from a private well or directly from the city, there are a lot of different reasons you need to look at conserving freshwater. One of the main reasons is because we pay for it. Therefore, anytime you waste water, you're wasting money. However, there are other reasons you want to as well. Here are some of the best water-saving products you can use in your home to start saving right now.
1. Bathroom
A lot of homes in Suffolk County have very old toilets. They aren't the newer toilets that are more efficient. Newer toilets are high efficiency and they use much fewer gallons every time you flush. The older ones use around 3.5 gallons whereas the newer ones can use as little as 1.3 gallons per flush. The newer toilets labeled by WaterSense use much less water and do just as well as the older ones at getting rid of the grime. Therefore, they make for a good investment to save water.
For your shower, you'll want to invest in a new showerhead. Your showerhead could be wasting a lot of water without you realizing it. Older showerheads are very inefficient. They could use as much as 2.5 gallons per minute. A newer WaterSense showerhead can use as much as 20 percent less and continue to deliver the pressure you're looking for when showering.
2. Kitchen
Many people are unaware that you can experience massive savings in your kitchen by installing a new faucet. Newer faucets can reduce water usage by as much as 30 percent without negatively impacting your water pressure.
3. Outdoors
If you use a lot of water outdoors, there are plenty of ways to save money. If you use a sprinkler system, you can save money by installing some sensors. Sensors will give you an accurate reading of how much you are using. They can help to automate things so you aren't overwatering your lawn.
4. Leak Detection
Another excellent product you can install and use is leak detection units. These products can help you save a lot of money by not only helping you detect a leak and stopping it but also from having the leak damage your property. It will automatically shut off your water if it detects there is a leak in your home. It's installed right at your water's mainline. It's then connected to various wireless sensors scattered throughout your home. The sensor will then relay a leak to the main unit. If it detects a leak, it will send the signal to cut off the water until someone fixes the leak.